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Welcome to the

Senior Learners Forum

Hosted by

Lancaster University

Continuing Learning Group

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Welcome to the Senior Learners Forum...The internet home of the Lancaster University Continuing Learning Group (CLG)


All visitors are invited to enjoy the site, view the content and listen to the lectures.

This is an open resource for those who like to learn.


Due to recent developments as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic

we have made some temporary changes to our education programme, moving all our lectures online for the time being.

Please see below for full details.


Recent CLG News...

As the England football team prepare to return home after their defeat by France and we move towards our final lecture before breaking to enjoy a wonderful Christmas, we look back over the last week with the CLG and look forward to the coming week.
This week…
This coming Wednesday sees the final CLG session as we invite Jos Barlow, professor in conservation science at Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, to present the last session in our series 'Dom, Bruno and the Amazon', presented in conjunction with Halton Mill. The session is titled ‘Policy Options for a Flourishing Amazon’.
We frequently hear that the Amazon is close to reaching a tipping point. In this session Jos will assess the evidence regarding some of the main drivers of this tipping point, and outline a Science Panel for the Amazon report that discusses the conservation and restoration actions required to mitigate these risks.’ 
Jos is interested in understanding how human activities impact tropical forest biodiversity, and the ecosystem services and functions that biodiversity delivers. His work focusses on the Brazilian Amazon, where he’s been working since 1998.
Jos is a co-founder of the Sustainable Amazon Network (Rede Amazônia Sustentável)  (, which brings together scientists, conservation practitioners and local stakeholders to further our understanding of the environmental and socio-economic trade-offs in the world's largest remaining expanse of tropical forest.
He is a Trustee of WWF-UK, Lead author & member of UN’s Science Panel for the Amazon, and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Applied Ecology. 
Following the talk, there will be chance to discuss the points raised.
Topic: CLG Zoom Meeting:  'Policy Options for a Flourishing Amazon' with Prof. Jos Barlow
Time: 1pm on Wednesday 14th December 2022
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 671 632 4252
Passcode: 1066
Note: Please switch your webcam on initially when arriving to the session, so we can welcome you. Thank you.
Last week…
Last Wednesday the group enjoyed an excellent session from Paul Hindley, PhD student with the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion.  Paul presented a session titled ‘Dispelling the myths of Neoliberalism’.
In this well presented and accessible session, Paul looked at the history of neoliberal economics tracing it back much further than the commonly understood time period. The group heard how neoliberalism grew as a response to political and social events to become a pervasive, yet poorly defined, political and economic system, in contrast to classical liberalism. Paul expertly defined the areas where neoliberalism and classic liberalism converge and also where they diverge. 
Finally Paul looked at the failings of neoliberalism and how it ultimately becomes the agent of its own downfall, as deregulation undermines basic principles which provide the standard of living necessary to its continuation.
The group would like to thank Paul for a stimulating, informative  and thought-provoking lecture and wish him the greatest success when submitting in 2023.
In research…
Seren Parman, PhD student in Linguistics at Lancaster University has asked us to inform you of a piece of research she is carrying out into ‘Ageing and Speech Production’.
‘Chronological age is used widely in academic research and yet it is poorly understood how well it truly captures ageing. Consequently recent research highlights biological and social ageing as perhaps better indicators. My research aims to understand how these three forms of ageing influence speech production, with the implication of improving healthcare, and how we conceptualise age in future research. This will be captured through a range of speech and motor control tasks at Lancaster University.’
If you would like to know more about how you might become involved in this interesting research, you can contact Seren Parkman:
And finally…
That just leaves me to say that we hope you have enjoyed the term. We would like to thank Dr Fiona Frank for her hard work and vision, and thank you for the wonderful kind words we have received. They have been very heart-warming indeed.  
We would like to wish you compliments of the season and the very best for the coming year.
Thank you for your tremendous support.
Best wishes,
Dave and the Steering Group





I hope this email finds you well as we settle into 2023.


Despite the CLG ceasing to host regular lectures for the foreseeable future, a number of people have contacted myself to ask about opportunities for continued involvement with Lancaster University and the Centre for Ageing Research.


As you know, despite the CLG being an autonomous group, the C4AR was very supportive of all the events we ran over the years and they have kindly offered to keep that connection with anyone who would like to do so.


Please see the wonderful offer from Professor Carol Holland below and do consider taking up her generous offer of involvement with the wonderful C4AR. The Centre is a welcoming and vibrant place for education and research and I would highly recommend involvement with their excellent events.


Sending very best wishes to all,




(on behalf of the former CLG Steering Group)




Dear All,


Your CLG committee has let us know about the fact that CLG will no longer be able to be sustained in the way it has before and so we at the Centre for Ageing Research at Lancaster University would like to make contact to offer a few suggestions to enable you to keep in touch with the university and our research, as follows:


Join the Centre for Ageing Research Mailing List: If you would be interested in joining the C4AR email list to hear about seminars and events run by the Lancaster University Centre for Ageing Research please let Louise know at C4AR (


Join the Research Panel: You might also like to join our Research Panel, a database of people interested in taking part in research studies.  To join, you need to be over 55 years of age to comply with ethics approval.  You must also be in generally good health but otherwise there are no further requirements and once on the panel, you can take part in as many or as few research projects as you would like. This might be advising someone designing their research questions or methods, or taking part as a participant (e.g. in interviews, focus groups or some measures), or even becoming a co-researcher yourself, through to being a helpful audience for our postgraduate researchers wanting to share (or practice sharing) their results to a lay audience. Many of you have done this kind of activity before through CLG and it makes a vital contribution to research as well as hopefully being interesting for you. The panel information is stored securely at Lancaster University and can only be accessed by C4AR researchers whose projects have been screened by our ethics committee.  If you are interested in signing up, please email


Join the mailing list for public lectures: These are lectures from a range of speakers from across the university in a range of areas (not just ageing!) which you are also welcome to join us for.  You can email for further information.


Putting on your own lectures: Do contact us if the group ever plan to put on any other lectures in the future and you would like to book a university room for them.


So we very much hope this is not the end of association with the Centre for Ageing Research for CLG members and hope to see you at some of the above activities. We’d also like to thank you for all the amazing contributions you have made to C4AR and particularly our PhD students over the years.


Wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year.




Professor Carol Holland | Director, Centre For Ageing Research

Chair in Ageing| Division of Health Research

Deputy Dean| Faculty of Health and Medicine

Lancaster University

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About The CLG

The Lancaster University Continuing Learning Group runs a public lecture programme at Lancaster University, UK, operating under the auspices of C4AR in the Dept of Health and Medicine.


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and we will be happy to send you more information about our lectures and events.

© 2018 David A Pedder for the CLG

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